Schedule an Appointment
Click the button below and fill out the HIPAA-secured form to request an appointment.
We will call you within 24 hrs to confirm.
Contact Us
Click the button below and fill out the HIPAA-secured contact form if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
Spend the Time. Save Your Life.
Get Screened.
Edmond Office
Baptist Office
Broadway Hefner Office
Midwest City Office
South Office • Yukon Office
Ambulatory Endoscopy Center, North
Ambulatory Endoscopy Center, South
New Patient Forms
Patient Rights & Responsibilities
Notice of Privacy Practices
Patient Registration forms
Medical Records Release Form
For Referring Physicians
The physicians of Digestive Disease Specialists welcome your referrals.
Please inform your patient that once their referral is received and registered, they will be contacted within 5 days to schedule an appointment.
Physicians: if the referral of your patient is urgent, please contact one of our physicians directly to expedite the process.
Thank you for entrusting us with the care of your patients.