Colon Cancer Screening
If you’re not worried about colon cancer, you should be.
It’s the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths, and there’s no single risk-factor associated with causing the disease. Early stages of colon cancer don’t often show noticeable symptoms. That means anyone, including you, if you’re over age 45, could have this terminal illness and not know it.
Sixty percent of deaths are preventable with a colorectal screening.
Most people who die from colon cancer don’t have to. You don’t either. Getting screened is the most effective way to prevent a disease that could kill you.
At-home tests that rely on stool samples can miss polyps that develop into cancer. And you’ll still need to follow up with a screening if the at-home test results are considered abnormal. A colorectal screening with DDSI can put you in the clear, or find cancerous polyps early—before they’ve spread.
Colon Cancer Screening
Colon cancer screening helps find growths in the colon that may or may not be cancer. This video discusses a handful of different ways a colon cancer screening can be performed, from a traditional colonoscopy screening to MRI methods.
It is important to get screened for colon cancer if you are experiencing any symptoms of colon cancer or you are fifty years of age or older. Watch this video learn more about the process of colon cancer screening, why you should schedule a procedure, and what your physician will be looking for.