Screening Options That Are a Gastroenterologist’s Priority

Countless wise men came onto this planet and stated how gut health is the core of our well-being. Many healthcare professionals precisely find this one as the thing to note. Any issue in your digestive tract can give rise to numerous ailments, giving you that intense not-in-a-good-health feeling. While looking for a gastroenterologist in OKC, you may wonder what screening options they emphasize.

Could you feel the urgency of visiting a GI for a healthy gut? Have you reached the phase wherein screenings have a role to play? It’s time to act and eliminate the health obstruction. But what’s there to know regarding the best gastroenterologist near you?

  • GI doctors receive specialized training to give comprehensive care.

  • They ensure the early detection of life-threatening ailments via screening options like colonoscopies.

The Three Pathways for a Gastroenterologist

Here are the three screening options for a GI.

Getting Familiar with What We Call an Upper Endoscopy

Sometimes, issues arise in the upper region of the gastrointestinal tract. The diagnostic need for an EDG or Upper Endoscopy remains high in those cases.

The Procedure: Various people in OKC wonder about the specifics of this method. And we think it’s the right time to talk about the matter. A gastroenterologist requires an endoscope, a thin tube and a miniature video camera to observe the upper digestive system’s inner lining. These specialists also use the endoscope to help heal various digestive ailments.

Knowing the Colonoscopy Details

Screening methods like colonoscopy help to determine the ailments like colorectal cancer by examining one’s large intestine. Here are some facts you should know.

  • Colon cancer screening becomes mandatory as one crosses 50.

  • In this procedure, a GI uses a colonoscope, a mini video camera, and a long flexible tube.

  • It helps to observe the regions of the rectum and colon to identify polyps.

Talking about the ERCP Screening

This diagnostic pathway requires a GI to combine fluoroscope and endoscopy to combat pancreatic or biliary ductal issues.

The Inside Stuff: Specialists use the endoscope to see the duodenum, letting radiographic contrast enter the pancreatic ducts.

Target Area: The best gastroenterologists near you focus on identifying central pancreatic and bile duct issues. One can overcome problems like scars, cancer, leaks and gallstones with ERCP screening.

What’s the Right Time for Seeing the Specialist?

Numerous pain indications compel people to seek support from a gastroenterologist. So, what are the signs to notice?

  • A Sudden Weight Loss.

  • Blood-Stained Vomiting.

  • Swallowing Complications.

  • Constipation or Diarrhea.

  • Mucous or Blood in the Stool.

  • Sore Throat or Hoarseness Problems.

  • Unbearable Digestive Inconvenience.

  • Severe Heartburn Complexities.

Ailments That Require a Gastroenterologist’s Intervention

Here is a list of disorders that demand GI’s attention.

  • Ducts may appear in the gallbladder, liver and bile.

  • Colon cancer.

  • Complications can arise in the esophageal region.

  • Bowel-oriented problems like IBS and IBD require a GI.

Screening Support to Save Lives

If you are looking for the best screening solutions to relieve digestive complications, Digestive Disease Specialists, INC. stands for your well-being. The primary concern in OKC is preventing colon cancer deaths. And that requires on-time screening and treatment.

As you schedule an appointment with us, you book the possibility of the best gastrointestinal care to bring back a happy you. Leave your prep questions to our team at (405) 702-1300.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.


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