How Colonoscopy Helps to Live Longer?

Colonoscopy is so far the best screening method for detecting colon cancer. This screening test helps avoid many colorectal cancers as well. Here are some things that you ought to know about this test:

Your doctor will check the entire colon lining during a colonoscopy to check for polyps or tumors. They can be eliminated immediately if any polyps are found.

You will be receiving medication on the day of the colonoscopy to help you relax. Typically patients fall asleep and when they wake up, they do not remember much about the test.

By inserting a long thin and flexible tube called a colonoscope through the rectum into your colon, your doctor performs a colonoscopy. At the end of the tube, there is a small video camera and a light that sends images to a video monitor.

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The doctor will instruct you about what to eat and how to empty your intestines before the procedure. Both males and females should have a colonoscopy beginning at age 50. Depending on the instructions of your doctor, people with high risk of colorectal cancer may begin it earlier. In colorectal cancer screening, colonoscopy is considered the best parameter because it enables the physician to test tissue and/or remove precancerous polyps. It means:

  • If polyps are found (precancerous growths), they can be removed.

  • If a cancer or tumor is found, it may be removed during follow-up surgery.

  • If nothing is discovered, you may not need to do this again for 10 years.

On colonoscopy quality indicators, such as inspecting the entire colon, identifying polyps and providing sufficient bowel preparation, Loyola performs above the national average.

On the day of your colonoscopy screening, you cannot operate because after the operation, you will need someone to take you home back. Usually, within two days patients may work.

Since the test is ordered for those from the age of 50, many individuals who require it have been safe all their lives. For any kind of procedure, they never need to come to the hospital or medical office. To have a full and precise test, preparing for the test is crucial. Patients frequently refuse to get a colonoscopy because the planning scares them.

In colonoscopy screening that is an endoscopic examination a camera is inserted in the colon to get the view. The bowels must be empty for the doctor to see the whole colon clearly. That calls for bowel preparation.

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Our digestive health team at Digestive Disease Specialists works closely with the patients and provides guidelines on what you need to do the day before the test. We look at your medicines, such as those for high blood pressure or diabetes, so there's no interference.

A large quantity of a special, prescribed liquid you will need to drink. You will most probably be advised to drink only liquids the day before the test for the easiest and most efficient preparation. You would usually be able to drink it in two sections to make the process smoother, sometimes the evening before and the morning of the exam. In case you have concerns or are having trouble drinking the beverage, we provide contact information. Someone, even after hours, is still open. See us at Digestive Disease in OKC for colonoscopy or for any other digestive health issues.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.


About to Go for Colonoscopy? Debunk Some Myths First


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