Getting Colonoscopy to Identify the Early Signs Of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers not only in the United States, but also in the whole world. Unfortunately, colon cancer is something that is not detected at an early stage. If colon cancer can be spotted early with the help of colonoscopy in OKC, the survival rate increases by 90%.

However, it is important to get checked regularly so that any early signs that can indicate colorectal cancer can be identified at the earliest. Even though colonoscopy can be annoying to go through, it is not painful or does not cause any harm. Here is the process that one needs to follow to get a colonoscopy.

The Preparation:

Colon is the part of the body that stores stool. Since colonoscopy in OKC requires the colonoscope to be inserted inside the colon, it is important to make sure that the colon is empty at the time of the procedure. Also, even small amount of stool makes it difficult to check the lining of the colon, which makes the procedure ineffective.

The preparation starts from restrictive eating during the days that would lead up to the procedure. During the last 36-48 hours, the target is to empty the colon completely. Hence, no solid food can be eaten during this time. Only liquid diet is allowed along with the medicines prescribed by the doctor.

Emptying the Colon:

Skipping meals is not enough when it comes to cleaning out the colon completely. Doctors generally prescribe laxatives to get the last bit of the stool excavated from the colon.

Even though it is advised to take liquid diet, one may experience dehydration that is caused by having unnatural bowel movement. It is recommended to try and replenish the scarcity water in the body by drinking as much liquid as possible.

The Actual Procedure:

It is recommended that the patient arrives at least 2 hours prior the colonoscopy begins. It is mandatory that the patient does not drive alone because they will be under anesthesia during the procedure and may feel drowsy after the colonoscopy is done.

The patient is taken to the pre-op before half an hour of the procedure during which anesthetic drugs are administered. The doctor will insert the colonoscope through the rectum to find any lumps.

If there are lumps found during the procedure, the doctor will send the polyps for biopsy to identify whether those are cancerous.

The Digestive Disease Specialist in Oklahoma City specializes in colonoscopy. Book your schedule today to seamless guidance and treatment from our experts.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.


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