Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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When to Visit a Gastroenterologist?

Many are tempted to limit it to the stomach and intestines when we look at the human gastrointestinal system. Gastroenterology is concerned with the normal work and diseases of the oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum, pancreas and bile ducts and liver. A gastroenterologist takes care of this body part or system.

Problems Treated by Gastroenterologists

  • GERD

  • Celiac Disease

  • Cancer (Gastrointestinal, Liver, Pancreatic, Colorectal)

  • Hemorrhoids (Swollen Veins in the Lowest Part of the Rectum and Anus)

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  • Polyps (Abnormal Tissue Growths)

  • Pancreatitis

  • Ulcers (Painful Sores in the Stomach Lining)

Heart Burn

Heartburn is chest or throat pain or burning. It is caused by the reversal of acid in the oesophagus from the stomach. This is the tube connecting your mouth to your stomach. Now and then, many are getting heartburn. It goes on its own or with medicines on a stand-alone basis. However, symptoms occurring more than two times a week could be a signal of a more serious problem: the GERD.


Small, hard nuggets in the gall bladder are gallstones, a little organ in the belly. A gallstone can be as small or as large as a golf ball. Some people have a big pier. Others develop several stones of various sizes. Sudden pain on your right abdominal side might be gallstone. Gallstone pain passes as soon as it is removed. Because of imbalances in bile-forming materials, gallstones develop.

Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is an immune system genetic condition. People with the condition have to avoid gluten eating. Gluten is a wheat, rye and barley protein. It can be found in some medicines, vitamins and additives. Their immune systems respond by damaging their small intestines, when people with celiac disease eat gluten. Pain and diarrhea can be caused. The diagnosis of celiac disease can be helped by bloody tests. A small intestine sample can have to be examined to detect damage by a gastroenterologist.

Irregular Bowel Movement

Neurological, muscular or hormonal defects or dietary or other factors could lead to your constipation if you are in less than three bowel movements per week.

If runny stool persists for more than a couple of days this may result from a virus, parasite / bacteria, lactose intolerance, medication or other diseases, like Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, to name just a few.

Rectal Bleeding

Bloody stool can be severe but usually means bleeding in your digestive tract somewhere. Anal fissure (a small cut or tear in the tissue lining the anus), hemorrhea, or anything that needs medical attention for example cancer can be responsible for this. Consult the best gastroenterologist in the city for treatment.

Colon Cancer

A preventive measurement is a screening test that should be given before any symptoms occur. The precancerous polyps that can be detected and removed during a colonoscopy often start colorectal cancer. The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) proposes the screening of colorectal cancers for adults between 50 and 75 years of age. Some patients need colonoscopy screening beforehand. If you have any of the above mentioned problems, visit us at Digestive Disease Specialists for the best gastroenterologist in OKC.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.